- pyegt.test.test()
Run tests. Tests will be run with the following parameters:
GEOID12B with US, AK, and PR coordinates:
from pyegt.height import HeightModel HeightModel(lat=44.256616, lon=-73.964784, from_model='GEOID12B', region='contiguous') HeightModel(lat=64.486036, lon=-165.292154, from_model='GEOID12B', region='ak') HeightModel(lat=18.47131, lon=-66.136544, from_model='GEOID12B', region='prvi')
EGM2008 with US, AK, and PR coordinates:
HeightModel(lat=44.256616, lon=-73.964784, from_model='EGM2008', region='contiguous') HeightModel(lat=64.486036, lon=-165.292154, from_model='EGM2008', region='ak') HeightModel(lat=18.47131, lon=-66.136544, from_model='EGM2008', region='prvi')
Expected return height values:
EXPECTED_VALUES = { 'GEOID12B height': { 'contiguous': -28.157, 'ak': 5.28, 'prvi': -43.285, }, 'EGM2008 height': { 'contiguous': -28.899, 'ak': 7.005, 'prvi': -45.473, } }
If any test fails, the script will exit with an error after printing the results.