As a former member of the software development team at Raspberry Shake, I had the opportunity to develop some of their cutting edge visualization tools, including rsudp. The company took the look and feel of rsudp and incorporated it into their online live streaming visualizations.
The way I got involved with Raspberry Shake initially was by administering my own seismic stations. After parting ways with the company, I remain a station administrator for several Shakes. Here are a few—displayed in the style of rsudp, of course.
The first and second are side-by-side stations in Williamstown, MA (RCB43 and R62F7):
The third is in Clarksburg, MA (R6A3B):
And the fourth is in the Earth and Climate Science building at the University of Maine (R4989):
The UMaine station is on the first floor of a building with a basement and a lot of mechanical noise—which makes it somewhat difficult to detect earthquakes, but is instructive for geoscience students. Compared with professional grade seismic systems, the low cost and ease of use of Raspberry Shake creates a huge opportunity for citizen science in the realm of seismic data.
This project lives right at the intersection of three things I am passionate about: geophysics, remote systems management, and citizen science!